Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Faith -Things My Father Taught Me

(31) So do not worry saying, 'What shall we eat?" or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' (33) But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.' 'Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it's own." Mathew 6:31, 33-34

Jesus was a man before his time. He knew we'd be faced with financial worries and storms, that would test and try us. Before the world ever heard of the Dow Jones, Bernie Madoff, or Lehman Brothers, Jesus warned that there would be great distress in the "last days" brought on by unscrupulous people.

What he didn't tell us to do was dig a hole in the backyard, hide our remaining assets and become glued to Cnn and CNBC Closing Bell to track every investment, loss and wager so that we lose sleep over it. He did not suggest we seek the advice of a financial planner, or even the ear of a trusted friend, and rehash our circumstances. What he told us to do was "seek first the Kingdom,and his righeousness."

We all know that the kingdom that Jesus spoke of was not a building constructed by human hands but represented God's kingdom in heaven. However, just what did Jesus mean when he commanded us to 'seek his righteousness?'

The word "righteous" is a noun and comes from the Middle English rightwise (right-wise), from Old English rihtwis - riht ("just", "fair") + wis ("way", "manner"). The adjective "righteous" means "right-wise", meaning, morally upright and just. The noun "righteousness" (Old English riht-wis-nes = "right-way-ness") referred to "being just and fair", "being morally upright".

Since the life of Jesus reflected sterling examples of good and righteousness, I hold him to be the authority. Throughout his ministry he went about "doing good," (Acts 10:38) which included healing, ministering to others, and other acts of provision. Never once did Jesus doubt God's ability to provide for him. Never once did he hold back from giving his all- to the point of death.

So by example, Jesus was actually telling us to strive for moral cleanliness, and that which is right and just with our fellowman. One can seek the kingdom by acting and living in a way pleasing to God, but asking for the Holy Spirit, studying His word, and attending worship services was not enough. If we were to do as "The Great Teacher" did, we were to embrace our fellowman- in all of his needs and help to provide for those needs, regardless of our own.

My dad was a very colorful character. With all of his imperfections he understood this at a very base level. Regardless of the fact that he had 8 mouths to feed, a sickly wife, and mounting medical bills, he always managed to fit an extra plate at the table. He would dig deep into his pockets and pull out whatever he had for anyone in need. He instilled in us a drive to share everything we had with anyone who asked- or didn't ask, but merely appeared to need. Sure there were probably those who have taken advantage of us, but looking back, I can see God's hands on our life with provisions that never seemed to dry up.

My mother had a saying "Your father would will give anyone the shirt off his back...the only problem is that it's MY shirt!" To which my father would answer "It's not Your Shirt, it's God' Shirt... and I don't see you living on the streets."

Clearly, despite my dad's imperfections, he understood God's grace, and instilled in me a deep understanding of HIS generosity. My dad never let me forget that God's abundance filled my kitchen cabinets to overflow despite the fact that I was an unworthy peon in the scheme of things.

So during these time of financial stress and uncertainty, I will cast my cares upon Jehovah. I will strive to follow the Master's lead and continue to hold out my hand to others. I refuse to consider the ramifications of the economy, nor do I contemplate bleak futures.

'The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliver; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge.' I have only to look on the faithfulness of my God to be reminded that 'The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praise God, I am right with you sister!! Too many peopel get focused on the cares and crisis' of this world, when our main focus and total reliance for all our needs should be on God! Your sister in Christ, Robin